Kako da dišem,

Kako da dišem,

kad ništa ne ostaje

osim bola.

Moja čula su omamljena,

moja tuga ide duboko,

zamrzavam se u trenutku.


Došao si kod mene kao veliki talasi u leto.

Voleo sam sjaj tvog osmeha.

Tvoja vernost je bila stvarna,

ali je naša budućnost izgledala nejasna.

Čekam strast koju su nam naša srca obećala.

Vreme je prolazilo sporo

a moje beskrajne suze su lile

za tvojom pažnjom.


Moja koža je hladna,

moja krv je suva.

Ne pamtim ništa

što bih mogao ponovo da učinim

da se osećam živ.


Ne žalim ništa što smo imali,

čak ni što sam izbledeo u krugovima.


gubim se u ovoj ljubavi punoj tuge.


Kako živeti,

kad sam izgubio poverenje?

Kako išta još priznati,

kad je sve rečeno?

Može li se neko nadati,

u ponoru dubine?

Moja duša te zove,

ali izgleda da smo već odustali.


Pitam se,

da li je ovo mesto na kojem da ostanem?

Teško mi je da odem dalje,

kad moram od tebe da se oprostim.


To nije tvoja krivica.

Moje ludilo se tiče samo mene.

Ja sam taj koji je izabrao život u samoći,

U kojoj nikad ne dosežem površinu.

Padam tiho u nostalgiju.


Kad bi poljubac,

tvoj dodir,

samo mogao promeniti sve.

Vilsan Zulji, Universität Zürich

How to breathe,

when nothing remains

except pain.

My senses are stunned,

my sadness goes deep,

I freeze in moment.


You came to me like big waves in the summer.

I loved the gloss of your smile.

Your loyalti was real,

but our future seemed dare.


Waiting for the Passion our hearts promissed.

Time passed slowly

and my tears were endless

for your attention.


My skin is cold,

my blood is dry.

There is nothing I can remember,

what could make me

feel alive again.


I regret nothing what we had,

even that I faded in circles.


losing myself in this love full of sorrow.


How to live,

when i lost confidence?

How to confess,

when everything was said?

Can anyone hope,

in the abyss of the deep?

My soul is calling for you,

but it seems as we had already given up.


I am asking myself,

if this is the right place to stay?

But it’s hard for me to move forward,

when I have to say goodbye to you.


It’s not your fault.

My madness concerns only me.

It is me who choosed a life in lonelyness,

where I never reach the surface.

Falling silent in nostalgia.


If a kiss,

a touch from you,

just could change everything.

Übersetzung von Serbisch ins Englische von Vilsan Zulji, Universität Zürich


Ein Kommentar

  1. cute nostalgia hit my heart,
    makes me want to hit myself.

    just kiddin, biting my lips while bathing in your nostalgia.
    dont understand why you were kicked out of your own sorrow.

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