Consists of professionals including persons with proven competence and experience in science, literature and culture who are capable to decide whether a paper is likely to interest the readers and can provide helpful advice concerning its significance.


Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Edgar Hoffmann, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria) (2020-2021)

Prof. Dr. Blaž Podlesnik, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Dr. habil., аssociate professor Roman Bobryk, Institute of Linguistics and Literature, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland)

Dr. Andrey Kotin,  University of Zielona Góra (Poland)

Dr. Ilya Kukuj, University of Munich, LMU (Germany)

Dr. Natalia Brüggemann, University of Regensburg (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Miha Javornik, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Doctor of Philology Mikita Suprunchuk, Minsk State Linguistic University (Belarus)

Prof. Doctor of Science in Philology Tatiana Semyan, South Ural State University (SUSU)

Prof. Dr. Oksana Bulgakowa, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (Germany)

Prof. Doctor of Science in Philology Gazinur Gizdatov Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (Kazachstan)

Prof. Dr. Kornelija Icin, University of Belgrad (Serbia)

Prof. Dr. habil. Aleksander Kiklewicz, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn (Poland)

Prof. Dr. Ivan Garcia Sala, Department of General Linguistics Slavic Studies Section, University of Barcelona (Spain)

Prof. Dr. Joan Castellví Vives, Department of General Linguistics Slavic Studies Section, University of Barcelona (Spain)

Prof. Doctor of Science in Philology Boris Norman, Belarusian State University, BSU, Minsk (Belarus)

Prof. Doctor of Science in Philology Elena Pchelinceva, Cherkassy National Technical University (Ukrainе)

Prof. Dr. Dalibor Sokolović, University of Belgrad (Serbia)

Prof. Dr. Jasmina Vojvodic, University of Zagreb  (Croatia)

Prof. Doctor of Science in Philology Svitlana Zhabotynskaya, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University, Cherkasy (Ukrainе)

Writer Michail Schischkin (Switzerland)