Nekad cveće, ljudi nema, prelepo nebo, svetlo jako.

Slušam glas, i čini mi se kad, ali ne znam.

Biće sutra? Biću ja?

Ali nikada ova fantasia priroda.


Držim u sebi ove trenutke.


Pitam se kakav osećaj?

Kad se gubim. Kad ne vidim.

Znam, i ne znam, ali sigorno

kad mi umekne srce



Čuvam ukus memorija

oko mene hladno, mesto plavo.

A u krvi puca život,

Krijem vazduh, sjaj od daleka

da nikad ne se ponavlja

ova tuga

puna ljubavi.

Vilsan Zulji, Universität Zürich

Sometime flowers, no humans, beautiful sky, strong light.

Hearing the voice, it seems to me as, but I don’t know.

Will tomorrow be? Will I be?

But never this nature of a fantasy.


I hold inside me those moments.


I ask myself what a feeling?

When I loose myself. When I don’t see.

I know, and don’t, but for sure

when my heart softens

with You.


Taking care of the taste of memories

around me it’s cold, blue place.

In my blood life is exploding,

Hiding air, the gloss of a distance

that never repeats again

this sorrow

full of love.

Übersetzung von Serbisch ins Englische von Vilsan Zulji, Universität Zürich



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