University of Zurich
Olga Burenina-Petrova

Nataliia Langenegger

Geboren und aufgewachsen in der Ukraine. Nach meinem ersten universitären Abschluss in meiner Heimat ging ich nach Deutschland, wo ich die deutsche Sprache lernte. Zurzeit studiere ich Soziologie als Hauptfach und Slavische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft als Nebenfach an der Universität Zürich.
Kseniia Isaeva

2009-2014 Studium an der staatlichen Universität Samara, Dokumentationsmanagement (Spezialistin).
2016-2017 Studium an der Fachhochschule St Gallen, Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
Seit 2017 studiert Kunstgeschichte im Hauptfach und die slavische Literaturwissenschaft im Nebenfach an der Universität Zürich. Interessiert sich für Literatur, Kunst, Politik, Sprachen, Reisen und Sport (Schwimmen).
Yana Tyazhkorob

Yana Tyazhkorob was born in Varna, Bulgaria and raised bilingually in both Bulgarian and Russian. After living in Bulgaria and Germany, she moved to Switzerland, where she now studies Sinology and Slavonic Literature at the University of Zurich. She speaks Bulgarian, Russian, English, and German fluently and is currently studying Chinese Mandarin. Her interests include poetry, literature, and music.
University of Konstanz
Juliana Wiemer

Denis Weber

Geboren in Deutschland als Kind russischsprachiger Migranten aus Kasachstan, ist Denis Weber mit verschiedenen kulturellen Einflüssen aufgewachsen. Diese vielschichtigen Erfahrungen haben ihn dazu inspiriert, die Verbindungen zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen und Identitäten zu erforschen. Sein akademischer Werdegang führt ihn zu einem Bachelor-Abschluss in Soziologie und Slavistik an der Universität Konstanz. In seinem Studium erkundet er die komplexen sozialen Strukturen und Dynamiken sowie das reiche kulturelle Erbe der slavischen Welt.
University of Trieste
University of Lausanne
Dalila Prestigiacomo

I was born on 5th September 2000 in Palermo, Italy. In 2022 I graduated from my bachelor’s program «Languages and Literatures – Intercultural Studies» at the University of Palermo. I am currently a Master student at the University of Trieste, my faculty being «Specialized Translation and Interpreting» with reference to the English and Russian languages. After spending one semester in Konstanz, Germany, for my Erasmus+ experience, I am back in Italy to get my Master degree. I’m particularly interested in literature and cinema.
Daria Zalesskaya

Lecturer at the Departement of Slavic and South Asian Studies of the University of Lausanne since 2020, PhD. Thesis was devoted to linguistic and civilizational aspects in textbooks of Russian as a foreign language for French-speaking students published during the 20th century (2020). Research: didactics, slavistics, history and epistemology of linguistic ideas. Teaching: Russian language, epistemology and didactics
University of Belgrade
Marija Kuvekalovic

Marija Kuvekalovic was born on April 26, 1996 in Belgrade. She is currently a fourth-year student at the Russian Language, Literature and Culture Department. Her interests are 20th century Russian literature and culture. She has participated in the International Congress of Slavists in Belgrade and student conferences at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, as well as student conferences at the University of Zurich.
Lana Jeknic

Lana Jeknic is research associate at the Faculty of Philology at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. She was born on February 16, 1993 in Belgrade. In 2017 graduated Lana Jeknic from the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Culture at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. In 2018, she defended the master thesis – «Man and his «small world» in the plays Nikolay Kolyada. Tragedy of existence». In 2023, she defended her doctoral thesis – «Dramatic and theatrical method of Nikolay Kolyada». Her main interest is modern Russian drama, with emphasis on the works of Nikolay Kolyada and his theatre school, as well as literature, performance and art of the XX-XXI century. She writes and publishes scientific articles in Russian and Serbian, and translates from Russian.
Simka Djuric

Simka Djuric was born on 2nd May 2000 in Belgrade, Serbia. In 2019, she entered the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, Department of Russian Language, Literature and Culture. She fluently speaks Serbian, Russian, English and German language. Her main interest is the Russian avant-garde. Shе used to run a blog about the Russian literature and culture for 3 years and organized several literature themed meetings. She currently works as a language tutor and copywriter, but her main goal is to become a literary translator and a scholar. In her free time, she likes exploring Russian contemporary art.
University of Zagreb
Darko Vasilj

I was born in 2000 in Požega, Croatia. I have completed the undergraduate programmes of Croatian Language and Literature and Russian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, where I am currently enrolled in the graduate programme (specializing in teaching and translation studies). I participate in the organization and implementation of various projects as a member of the Pushkin Club of Students of Russian Language (KSRUP). I have published around 10 scientific papers, given presentations at several international conferences, worked as a journalist at the Zagreb School of Slavic Studies and the Matica hrvatska cultural institution, and now I am teaching Croatian as second and foreign language. I am the recipient of a number of awards and certificates (Rector’s Award, Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence, Josip Badalić Plaque). My research activities are focused on comparative Slavic studies, especially Croatian and Russian accentology and historical grammar.
Palmira Krleža

Palmira Krleža was born in 1991 in Čakovec, Croatia. She graduated from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in 2016, with MA degree in Russian Language and Literature and History of Art. She enrolled in postgraduate programme in Medieval Studies at the University of Zagreb in 2017. Her research interests include history and theory of byzantine art and arts and culture of the Slavic world. She is author of several scientific publications and translations from Russian to Croatian. She is speaks Croatian, Russian and English and is conversant in German.
Charles University in Prague
Natálie Budinová

I was born on 15thJuly 1997 in ÚstínadOrlicí, Czech Republic. Since 2017, I have studied at the Department of East European Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. In 2019, I started working as an auxiliary in the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS, responsible for collations (comparison of different copies of the same text). Currently, I’m in the third year of the bachelor’s program in Russian Language and Literature.
Karolína Konvalinková

I was born on 4th May 1997 in Pardubice, Czech Republic. In 2016, I started my studies at the Department of East European studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. In 2019, I graduated from the bachelor’s program with the work of the topic of «Publishing activities of Russian interwar emigration in Czechoslovakia». Currently, I am a master’s student.
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
Svetlana Kim

In 2014 completed master’s degree in Oriental Studies at Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan. Senior lecturer of the Department of Oriental languages translation at the Oriental faculty of Ablai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages. Phd student on the Translation Studies program since 2021. The area of interest includes literature of the absurd, modern prose and poetry, methods of teaching the Korean language, theory and practice of Russian-Korean and Korean-Russian translation.
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
Anastassiya Kiriyenko

Born and lives in Almaty. Graduate of the Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology (bachelor’s degree) 2008. Graduate of Open Literary School Almaty workshop of “Prose and Children’s Literature” Seasons 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2015-2016, 2016-2017. At moment 2nd year undergraduate student at Abai University, Department of Russian Language and Literature. Has publications in the almanac „Literary Alma-ata” (2013, 2014, 2015), Collection of graduates of the Open Literary School of Almaty (OLSHA) “Big Break” (2015), Internet magazine “Autograph” (2015), almanac “LiterraNova” (2016-2018), “Illustrated guide to the meanings of Almaty” (2017), Jubilee collection of prose OLSHA “Road without end” (2019).
Zurich University of Art (ZHdK)
Evgeniia Kostinskaia

Evgeniia Kostinskaia is studying contemporary art at ‹Curating› Program at the Zurich University of Art (ZHdK). In 2017 she graduated from Literature Institute named after A.M. Gorky in Moscow (Professional postgraduate program ‘Creative writing’), then took part in literary schools and volunteered in cultural projects, writing prose. Her areas of interest are contemporary art, including autofiction, and contemporary fine art. Evgeniia also has a PhD in economics and management.
University of Ljubljana
Vinsent Vilčnik

Vinsent Vilčnik was born in 1996 in Maribor, Slovenia. She graduated in 2020 from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts with bachelor degree in Russian and South Slavic Languages. Vinsent spent the academic year 2016/2017 studying abroad at The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute in Moscow and winter semester of 2018 improving her Macedonian language at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Currently she is studying under the master’s program »Russian as a Foreign Language in Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspective« at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow. She writes poetry and prose and translates Russian and Macedonian poetry and prose to Slovenian. Vinsent speaks Slovenian, Russian, English, Macedonian, Serbian and Croatian.
Pia Marija Žugman

My name is Pia Marija Žugman and I was born 26. 11. 1998. I am currently in my third year of BA studies on the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, where I study Polish Studies and Slovene Studies. Since middle school I am a big fan of learning new languages and especially about our Slovene and all foreign literatures and of course cultures that are connected to them. That has led me to translating – I enjoy translating dramas and short stories the most. Withing the university studies I created a few Wikipedia pages on polish authors and participated in the translating project Vaja v prevajanju (Exercise in translating) . I am currently writing my BA under the mentorship of Mateja Pezdirc Bartol (PhD) and Lidija Rezoničnik (PhD), in which I will compare some dramas of Drago Jančar and Slawomir Mrožek – I will focus mainly on the analysis of characters and comparison between both totalitarian systems.
At Malmö Art Academy / Lund University
Emily Magdalena Orlet

Emily Magdalena Orlet is a student in the Master programme in Fine Arts from 2023. As an artist she is represented by Eyes on Talents/Paris. She graduated from ECAL/École cantonale d’art de Lausanne with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts in 2022 and a Foundation Year Diploma in 2019. Her research focuses on the Swiss artist Miriam Cahn. During her seven-month stay in Russia, she successfully completed the intensive course Russian as a Foreign Language (Levels B1-B2) at the Russian State Pedagogical University in the name of A.I. Herzen/ Saint Petersburg and worked as an intern at the Hermitage Museum as well as with publications at the newspaper Sankt Petersburger Herold. She passed the Matura with the profile of old languages (Latin proficiency/Grosses Latinum) and Immersion German/French at the grammar school Freudenberg/Zurich.
Studienkolleg Mittelhessen at the Philipps University of Marburg
Nail Gizdatov

Ich bin im Jahr 2006 geboren, studiere am Studienkolleg Mittelhessen in Marburg (G-Kurs, Soziologie) und interessiere mich für Soziologie, Geschichte und deutsche Sprache. Ausserdem bin ich Gewinner der Republikanischen Olympiade zur Geschichte der Deutschen in Kasachstan (2023) sowie Finalist des republikanischen Wettbewerbs «Mit Deutsch im Herzen» der republikanischen Organisation der Deutschen «Wiedergeburt» in Kasachstan (2021).