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Vortrag zum Thema „Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: Moodle Quizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond“

Am Donnerstag, den 14. Februar 2013, hält Prof. Dr. Achim Zeileis (Universität Innsbruck, AT) im Rahmen der psychometrischen Tagung Psychoco 2013 (Psychometric computing), die von Prof. Dr. Carolin Strobl organisiert wird, einen Vortrag zum Thema Flexible Generation of E-Learning Exams in R: Moodle Quizzes, OLAT Assessments, and Beyond. In diesem Vortrag geht es um die Erstellung von Prüfungen in OLAT oder Moodle unter Verwendung der Open-Source-Software R.

Wenn Sie Interesse haben, den Vortrag zu hören, kommen Sie um 14h in den Hörsaal (BIN 1 B.01 im Gebäude Binzmühlestr. 14 in Oerlikon). Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Abstract des Vortrags

The capabilities of the package „exams“ for automatic generation
of (statistical) exams in R are extended by adding support for learning
management systems: As in earlier versions of the package, exam generation
is based on separate Sweave files for each exercise – but rather than just
producing different types of PDF output files, the package can now render
the same exercises into a wide variety of output formats. These include
HTML (with various options for displaying mathematical content) and XML
specifications for online exams in learning management systems such as
Moodle or OLAT. This flexibility is accomplished by a new modular and
extensible design of the package that allows for reading all weaved
exercises into R and managing associated supplementary files (such as
graphics or data files). The readily available user interfaces are
introduced with special emphasis on OLAT. Furthermore, it is outlined how
the underlying infrastructure is designed and how new functionality can be
built on top of the existing tools.

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