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Today, few things are as frowned upon as giving away the ending of a film or a novel. By now, spoilers – or rather the fear of them – are so ubiquitous that it is often forgotten that this is a relatively recent phenomenon. It has always been possible to give away the ending of a book, but today’s widespread fear of spoilers only emerged around the turn of the millennium and is closely linked to the success of the internet and social media.

Although the fear of spoilers has permanently changed the way we talk about films and literature, and nowadays hardly any film review is without a spoiler warning, academia has so far hardly discussed the phenomenon. #spoiltheconference is the first academic conference dedicated entirely to the topic of spoilers. #spoiltheconference is organised by PD Dr. Simon Spiegel (Department of Film Studies), Prof. Dr. Christine Lötscher and MA Natalie Borsy (both ISEK – Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies) and has a decidedly interdisciplinary orientation. In addition to contributors from literature and film studies, scholar from game and fan studies as well as empirical psychology will present their findings.

Urgent: The conference will be online only. Only registered participants will receive the Zoom-links shortly before the event.


Organising Commitee
Simon Spiegel, Christine Lötscher and Natalie Borsy

Website Manager, Social Media Coordinator
Andrea-Luca Bossard
