As the culmination of the project “Beyond Structuralism” – Letters to Eugenio Coseriu and the history of linguistics in the 20th century (DiLeCos), we are pleased to invite you to a discussion session focusing on the possibilities of linguistic research using letters, archives… This event will be a significant gathering featuring a series of discussions led by renowned linguistic specialists from around the globe (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Switzerland).
- Date: March 8, 2024
- Place: University of Zurich (KOL-E-13 EV Senatszimmer) and online (via Zoom: https://uzh.zoom.us/j/64112892721?pwd=K1JvOTJ3YU1MeWtKaEJ0eXNITi80UT09, ID de reunión: 641 1289 2721, Código de acceso: 314893)
This session promises to be an enlightening experience; we cordially invite scholars, students, and enthusiasts in the field to be a part of this engaging and informative event.
Your presence will enrich the discussion and contribute to the advancement of linguistic studies.